Hi, my name is Adaeze, an intern at HNGi8 programme and my track is frontend development. In the coming eight weeks, I hope to become proficient in my current frontend skills specifically HTML, CSS and Javascript. I also intend to learn new languages and upscale my skillset in the process, while maintaining a network of like minds.
Here are some resources if you are looking to learn software development or design:
Figma is a web-based graphics editing and user interface design app. You can use it to do all kinds of graphic design work from wireframing websites, designing mobile app interfaces, prototyping designs, crafting social media posts, and everything in between. https://youtu.be/eZJOSK4gXl4
GIT is a high quality version control system while GITHUB is a cloud-based git repository and hosting service. Checkout this tutorial https://youtu.be/RGOj5yH7evk
HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language and is the standard markup language for creating Web pages. It is considered to be the skeleton of web pages. Link to a tutorial here https://youtu.be/UB1O30fR-EE
JavaScript is a scripting or programming language that allows you to implement complex features on web pages. It is basically for web-page interactivity. Link to a tutorial here https://youtu.be/W6NZfCO5SIk
Zuri Internship programme/HNGi8
HNG Internship is a long running, large scale virtual internship for people learning to code and design. It focuses on the post-training phase, and creates a virtual work environment for participants. Visit link internship.zuri.team